Games still the most popular apps on smart phones

>Research done by Nielsen amongst 4.000 US Smartphone users shows that games are still the most popular downloads.

Interesting to see that social networking websites (Facebook & Twitter I guess) are more popular than ‘communication apps’ like Voice over IP (Skype) and Instant Messaging (MSN). Also the weather and news is high in the list.

The charts speak for themselves I guess 😉

Posted in Apple, game, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mobile, Research, Social media | No Comments »

TED TV – games are everywhere – Jesse Schell

More people playing FarmVille than there are Twitter accounts!?

“The iPhone is a Swiss army knife. Converged technology only works in pocket size… that’s why the i-Pad sucks!” According to Schell…

And what about the new Ford that contains a minigame. The less gas you use, the bigger the virtual tree on your display grows… Games are everywhere! – Video down below.

Posted in Apple, Facebook, inspiration, Social media, talks | 1 Comment »