Bart Hufen in the Top 20 Global Gamification Guru’s!!!

>It’s fun to Google your name from time to time, especially when you have a rather unique name like ‘Hufen’… since there’s just one ‘Bart Hufen’ (up to now) – you tend to get a fair idea of how you mutualized your ‘online privacy’ in the past ten years.

I googled my name yesterday and 181.000 hits came up. Of course they’re not just exclusively about me, but I estimate 90% of all hits are.

I killed some time reading through the results and found out I am in a ‘Top 20 -list’ of ‘Global Gamification Guru’s’ ! Of course I was honored, because it’s fuel for my ego! 😉 I’m currently holding position 12 (coming from place 50) and I will make it my goal to hold the first position any week soon in the upcoming year!

You can help me by Twittering and Sharing all my upcoming articles! 😉

Thanks so much!!!

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